Privacy Policy

Last update: 20/09/2023

I. Introduction and Scope

Inventec Corporation (INVENTEC, “we”, “us” or “our”), that manages myHeartScore App and it services, takes your privacy seriously. This policy informs you about the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data when using our App and its related services.

Please read this policy carefully before YOU download, install, or use the App. By using the App and our Services, YOU acknowledge that you have read, understood, and accepted the terms in this policy.

INVENTEC reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or change any portion of the Policy, and to release or update such modification or change into the App from time to time. We will notify you by email, through the App, or by presenting you with a new version of the Policy. Please review this Policy to stay informed of updates.


II. Collected Information

There are several types of data that can be processed for purposes to improve and provide our App and its Service to you.

Information submitted by you:

This information is directly provided by you when the App requests it to provide its functionalities. This data is necessary for ensuring the proper performance of the service between you and us. The App’s features and the ability to carry out requested services rely on the provision of this information. The following types of information may be subject to processing:

– Personal information (gender, date of birth, previous medical conditions, height, weight, ECG measurement, heart rate and heart rate variability information, etc.): You may provide this information when monitoring your health parameters at your choice, and/or by sharing other apps (including Apple Health) to our App.
– Your health-related data estimated by our App: our App may estimate various statistics such as heart rate, heart rate variabilities, PQRST measurements, cardiovascular score, etc. This information is stored locally on your device.

Any data you provide is initially stored on your device and may be transferred to our server storage or service providers when required for the delivery of our services. You have the option to edit or delete your personal information at any time. Upon uninstalling the app, your personal data, including Personal Data, will be retained, and utilized in a de-identified manner for the duration necessary to fulfill the objectives outlined in “Purpose of processing your data”.

Information collected automatically:

This information may be collected whenever you visit an App’s feature through your mobile device. This data may include information such as your device model, device system version, our App’s version, the visited features, and other diagnostic data.


III. Rights of Data

You have the right to request access to, read, make copies of, supplement, or correct the information you provide at any time, and to request that INVENTEC stop collecting, processing, utilizing, or deleting your information at any time. You may make such requests by contacting us through our contact e-mail address.


IV. Purpose of processing your data

The Data collected will be used for the purpose of providing supplementary diagnostic services to provide you with a better user experience. INVENTEC may use the data to send important notices, such as changes to this policy, but this does not mean that INVENTEC has an obligation to notify you of each message. INVENTEC may also use the Data for internal management purposes, such as auditing, data analysis and research, to improve INVENTEC’s products and services and to facilitate communication with customers. During such analysis or research, INVENTEC may engage the assistance of third parties and may disclose the data to third parties for their use. In addition to the foregoing purposes, INVENTEC may also use the information you provide for purposes other than the foregoing to comply with the requirements of laws and regulations, competent authorities, or judicial units, to assist in the investigation and prevention of illegal acts, or to protect legal claims or defenses. In addition, in the event of reorganization, merger, transfer or sale of business, the data will be transferred to the relevant third party.


V. Security

INVENTEC will take the necessary security measures to protect your personal information from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. Although INVENTEC cannot guarantee the occurrence of such errors or events, please be assured that INVENTEC will use its best efforts to prevent, mitigate and protect against them.


VI. Handling of infringement and data leakage

You understand and agree that in the event that a government agency or a third party asserts that the contents of the Application and the Website may involve illegal, infringing, or data leakage situations, in order to protect the rights and interests of INVENTEC and the third party, or to avoid damages or disputes from expanding, INVENTEC may, without prior notice, remove the content of the suspect content or make it inaccessible, and may suspend all or a part of the function of the Application and the Website. INVENTEC shall not be liable for any loss you may suffer as a result.


VII. Contact us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us by mail: